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Cycle Brotherhood unites people who use, or would like to use, a bicycle as everyday means of transport. It functions in the District of Radom, in Poland.
The aims of the activity of the Brotherhood are:
  • encouraging people to use bikes and other means of transport which are environmentally friendly;
  • supporting the building of infrastructure favourable to bicycle use;
  • supporting all undertakings aiming at improving conditions of the environment for human life.
Nowadays, too large number of motor vehicles is the basic source of difficulties of life in cities. Fumes, dust and danger of accidents endanger man`s health. Therefore, all towns should encourage non-motorized modes of transport. Moreover, all solutions favourable to the protection of the environment and quality of human life are cheap. The enlargement of pedestrian and bicycle movement as well as the use of public transport can bring significant savings. This means not only a decrease of investments in road infrastructure, but also better utilization of so valuable a commodity in a city, namely ``space``. To realize the above aims we undertake various tasks:
  • we express our opinions in the local press;
  • we attend thematic conferences;
  • we cooperate with local authorities and different associations;
  • we make trips uniting bicycle users and followers of respect of the environment of man`s life.
The pictures showing some cyclists` expeditions across Poland and Europe are possible to see under: wyprawy bractwa
All who share our views are welcome to join us. We will answer every letter.

Translated: FOGGY
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